Some R&R

Well I made it through my first week at work! I have to say, it was quite overwhelming. Extension is very different from research, and adjusting to the social overload at work and complete lack of social activity in my personal life has been tough. It's like my world has been flipped, but hopefully only temporarily. To say I found myself in tears a few times this week is an understatement, so by this morning I was ready to just go out and do something that always lifts my spirits. A good run through the woods.

Warrior's Path State Park is just a half-hour drive from my apartment, in Kingsport, just north of Johnson City. To get to the closest trail longer than a mile in Baton Rouge is the same amount of time, so it was no big deal. The park has a mountain bike trail system that is right off of Interstate 81, but you wouldn't know it while you were out there. This is my favorite trail in Tennessee so far; it reminds me slightly of the Homochitto Forest trails in Mississippi, except not as extensive. There were lots of great views of trees and blankets of fallen leaves. Hopefully, the mostly orange and brown photos aren't boring you too much yet. I will have to dig through some older, more colorful things here soon!

Date of trip: March 15, 2014

fstop 8.0, 1/100, ISO 80
Likes: A lot of contrast, the white sycamore bark stood out amongst the gray and brown.
Dislike: They say not to center things in photography, but that's usually where I like to have my trails...

fstop 8.0, 1/160, ISO 80
 Likes: I've found that nearly every trail I have ever run, I have to cross power lines. You'd think they'd interrupt the solitude of nature, but they actually almost always give me great views since the trees are cut away!

fstop 5.6, 1/125, ISO 80
 Likes: Different shades of orange and lots of contrast.
Dislikes: Overexposure in the sky to the left.

fstop 8.0, 1/100, ISO 80
 Likes: I actually had about three shots of this spot that I wanted to post, it was such a pretty spot! The mix of bark patterns and the light mixed with shadows topped with a blue sky made me stop dead in my tracks.

fstop 8.0, 1/100, ISO 80
 Another of the above shot in portrait. Hehehe.

fstop 8.0, 1/60, ISO 80
 Likes: Mix of blue and the contrasting shadows on the expansive leaf blanket.
Dislikes: What made me stop here was how far I could see up the hill in the distance, this picture just does not do it justice!

fstop 8.0, 1/60, ISO 80
Here is a view from the creek that runs along the bottom of the preceding photo. While crossing it, I stopped to snap a picture downstream.
 Likes: Contrast and blue sky, and the way the trees frame the water.
Dislikes: Little bit of overexposure in sky.

fstop 8.0, 1/60, ISO 80
Same spot as preceding picture, but looking upstream.
Likes: Good mix of colors. Also the fore-, mid-, and backgrounds give you plenty to stare at.
Dislikes: The rocky area at the bottom came out pretty dark so I had to lighten it up a bit. Shooting on very bright days is hard!

fstop 5.6, 1/200, ISO 80
And I'll end with a bridge post! I found one teeny tiny bridge towards the end.
Likes: Contrast and the white on the rocks. And something to look at in each of the fore-, mid-, and backgrounds.

I also wanted to mention that I really respect the mountain biking community! They are a group of people who are passionate about what they do, and passionate enough to do something about it. Everywhere I go they are building and maintaining trails, and trail databases, and most that I have run into are really friendly and welcoming. I use their resources a lot because they are so organized, so kudos to them! I'll be looking for ways to give back!

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